
Evans, Glen Louis, Report on a shallow water investigation as part of a mineral resource survey in Clay County, Texas,Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 4, 1936.

Evans, Glen Louis, Report on stream terraces with special reference to sand and gravel deposits as a part of a mineral resource survey in Clay County, Texas, Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 7, 1936.

Evans, Glen Louis, Report on gravel resources of Henderson County, Texas, Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 2, 1939.

Evans, Glen Louis, Artifact occurrence in the second terrace of the Rio Grande in Starr County, Texas, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 52 (12, Part 2), p. 1998-1999, 1941.

Evans, Glen Louis, Final report covering the period from March 4, 1939, to September 30, 1941, for the State-wide paleontologic-mineralogic survey in Texas, p. 84, 1941.

Evans, Glen Louis, Report on the mineral resources of Baylor County, Texas, Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 14, 1941.

Sellards, Elias Howard, Evans, Glen Louis, Statement of progress of investigation at Odessa Meteor Craters, 51 (12, Part 2), p.12, 1941.

Evans, Glen Louis, Strontium minerals in Texas, Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 26,1942.

Evans, Glen Louis, Filtering clays in Briscoe and Swisher counties, Texas, Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 4, 1942.

Evans, Glen Louis, Progress report on copper investigations, Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 6, 1943.

Evans, Glen Louis, Fluorspar deposits in the Eagle Mountains of Hudspeth County, Texas, Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 12, 1943.

Evans, Glen Louis, Diatomite in the High Plains region of Texas, Geological Circular – Texas, University, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 5, 1944.

Sellards, Elias Howard, Evans, Glen Louis, Index to mineral resources of Texas by counties, Publication – University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 21, 1944.

Evans, Glen Louis, Meade, Grayson Eichelberger, Quaternary of the Texas High Plains, Publication – University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 485-507, 1945.

Evans, Glen Louis, The Rustler Springs sulfur deposits as a source of fertilizer, p. 13, 1946.

Evans, Glen Louis, Barite deposits in Texas, Publication – University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 105-111, 1946.

Evans, Glen Louis, Celestite deposits in Texas, Publication – University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 113-131, 1946.

Evans, Glen Louis, Fluorspar in trans-Pecos Texas, Publication – University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 227-238,1946.

Evans, Glen Louis, Mineral abrasives and polishing materials in Texas, Publication – University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 245-248, 1946.

Sellards, Elias Howard, Evans, Glen Louis, Index to Texas mineral resources, Publication – University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 359-383, 1946.

Sellards, Elias Howard, Evans, Glen Louis, Meade, Grayson Eichelberger, Fossil bison and associated artifacts from Plainview, Texas, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 58 (10), p. 927-954, 1947.

Evans, Glen Louis, Geology of the Blanco beds of West Texas, Colbert, E.H., ed., Pleistocene of the Great Plains [symposium], Geological Society of America Bulletin, 59 (6), p. 617-619, 1948.

Evans, Glen Louis, Upper Cenozoic of the High Plains [Texas], W. Texas Geol. Soc. Guidebook Field Trip no. 2, Nov. 1949, p. 1-9, 1949.

Evans, Glen Louis, Late Quaternary faunal succession in the southern High Plains (Texas), Geological Society of America Bulletin, 61 (12, Part 2), p. 1457-1458, 1950.

Evans, Glen Louis, Prehistoric wells in eastern New Mexico, American Antiquity, 17 (1, Part 1), p. 1-9, 1951.

Vertrees, Charles David, Atchison, Carl Hayden, Evans, Glen Louis, Paleozoic geology of the Delaware and Val Verde basins, West Texas Geol. Soc., Guidebook, Nov. 1959, p. 64-73, 1959.

Vertrees, Charles David, Atchison, Carl Hayden, Evans, Glen Louis, Paleozoic geology of the Delaware and Val Verde basins [Texas], Geology of the Chittim Arch and the area north to the Pecos River, p. 32-41, 1960.

Evans, Glen Louis, Elias Howard Sellards (1875-1961), Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 45 (11), p.1904-1906, 1961.

Evans, Glen L., Investigations at the Odessa meteor craters, Paper D, Proceedings of the Geophysical Laboratory–Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Cratering Symposium, Part 1, p. D1-D11, 1961.

Evans, Glen L., The Friesenhahn Cave, Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum, p. 5-22, 1961.

Evans, Glen L., Dr. E. H. Sellards’ contributions to the study of early man, Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, 6 (7), p. 726-727, 1974.

Evans, G. L., Cenozoic geology, Brand, J. P. (leader), Meade, G. E. (leader), Evans, G. L. (leader), Guidebook to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic geology of the southern Llano Estacado, p. 26-31, 1974.

Glen Evans, “Introduction” , Texas in Bloom, Texas Highways, Texas A&M University Press, p. 13-29, 1984

Evans, Glen L., E. H. Sellards’ contribution to paleoindian studies, Holliday, Vance T. (editor), Guidebook to the archaeological geology of classic paleoindian sites on the southern High Plains, Texas and New Mexico, 2 edn., p. 7-18, 1986.

Ferring, C. Reid, Brooks, James E., Holliday, Vance T., Evans, Glen L., Presentation of the Archaeological Geology Division Award to Claude C. Albritton, Jr., and Glen L. Evans, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 101 (7), p. 991-994, 1989.

Evans, Glen L., Wildness at Risk, Occasional Papers of the Strecker Museum, No. 4, Baylor University, Texas, 307 pp,1997

Evans, Glen L., & Mear, Charles E., The Odessa meteor craters and their geological implications, Occasional Papers of the Strecker Museum, No. 5, Baylor University, 50 pp, 2000