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Advising and Mentoring Statement from Dr. Martindale

I am committed to mentoring undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, new faculty, and my peers. I am proud of my mentoring success as measured by the number of my mentees who have achieved (or are on the path towards) their ideal careers, either in academia (i.e., MSc, Ph.D., postdoctoral, and faculty positions) or in teaching, industry, and research. I want the people in my lab group and community to have a genuine sense of belonging and support. I am not perfect and I make mistakes, but I try to work with my mentees to be the mentor you need so that I can help you achieve your goals.

My ideal lab group consists of students at multiple educational levels, with complementary skill sets and projects, who collaborate and mentor one another. I enjoy working with students on their projects as an active advisor and encourage them to take ownership of the project (even at the undergraduate level). The lab group has weekly group meetings that alternate between research and more relaxed dinners to build collegial spirit and encourage students to find role models, mentors, and colleagues amongst their peers as well as people in a higher academic rank.


Want to join the team?

Please contact Dr. Martindale directly about current opportunities, which vary from semester to semester. If you’re not sure how to write an email to a professor, check out this resource from UC Santa Cruz.

If you are interested in graduate school at UT Austin, please consult the website; applications are due December 1st (fellowships) and January 1st for general admission.