

  • How to produce a SeisWorks Structure Map
  • How to produce a SeisWorks Amplitude Map
  • Exporting horizons from Landmark SeisWorks to an x,y,z data file
    1. Open Landmark
    2. Start Data -> Management -> Seismic Project Manager
    3. Start Horizon -> Import/Export -> HIE
    4. Choose your seismic project, then File -> Export Horizons from Seisworks
    5. Leave the format file as “Default”, then type in an output name for your exported horizon.
    6. “List” your horizon, then click “OK”
    7. It may take a little while to process
    8. The output file will be in /pa/seismic_project
    9. The output file is compatible with any text editor, the output will be three columns (x, y, and z (depth))
  • Transferring horizons from one seismic project to another
    • Importing Horizons from one seismic project to another
      • If you open the new auger_4d project, you won’t be able to see the horizons that you created in the aug_psiv project. To fix that, you can export/import horizons so that you can see them in both projects. One thing to note – The changes will not show dynamically. In other words, if you export a horizon from aug_psiv and import it into auger_4d, if you then change it in aug_psiv, those changes WILL NOT show in the auger_4d project. You’ll have to re-export and re-import.
    • Here are instructions on exporting/importing horizons from one 3-D project to another:
      • In OpenWorks, Data -> Management -> Seismic Project Manager In Seismic Project Manager, Horizons -> HIE
      • Open aug_psiv project, File -> Export horizon Use the default format and name your output file
        (ie. yellow_horizon_export) Pick the horizon that you want to export (CWB_Yellow_Top) Click the “Export”
        button, this may take a few minutes to run
      • In your Landmark Linux terminal, copy the output file that you just created in /pa/aug_psiv and put it in
        cd /pa/aug_psiv
        cp yellow_horizon_export ../auger_4d/.
        cd ../auger_4d
        ls -lrt to see if the output file is in the correct directory
      • Back in HIE:
        File -> Import
        Pick your output file (yellow_horizon_export) Under horizons, pick “List” and “Create”, make sure to specify
        in the name of your new horizon that it is an imported horizon, so name it something like CWB_Yellow_Import
      • You should then be able to view your new horizon in the auger_4d project.
  • Approximating a horizon time-depth conversion using a two-velocity layer approach in SeisWorks – Heather Nelson
  • Horizon sharing error “”DG2W: Error from DG2RWH: 3”
    • If you are working in a horizon, then another team member edits it, it’s possible that you will have a problem with the NFS (Network File System). You’ll get an error message in Landmark that says “DG2W: Error from DG2RWH: 3”. To solve this problem you can delete the garbage file created when Landmark tries to access the horizon.
    • The garbage file will be located in the seismic project directory and will be owned by the 2nd user. The 2nd user should go to the /medusa/s3/lgcproject/pa/<seismic project directory> For example: cd /medusa/s3/lgcproject/pa/aug_anis
    • List everything in the directory (ls -al).
    • You should see at least one file that starts with .nfs00000####  (note the “.” in front of the file name).
    • Delete that file that is owned by you (rm .nfs00000####)
    • Your problem should then be solved. I would log out and log back in to Landmark just to make sure you don’t have any residual problems.
    • Note: You may also need to Rebuild the Horizon Index File.
      • Everyone should log out of the project
      • Seismic Project Manager -> Horizon -> HorizUtil
      • Select the project and click on the “Rebuild Horizon Index” button
  • Create a SeisWorks point to point file, .ptf, and use the file to export a horizon
    • Disclaimer: This workflow is unusual but appears to produce good data. Please verify the results from your data to make sure that all of the needed horizon points are obtained.
    • These steps assume that you have available to you the Mltexport and Mltimport utilities: OpenWorks Command
    • Menu +AD4- Data +AD4- Management +AD4- Seismic Project Manager +AD4- Horizons +AD4- Import/Export +AD4- Mltimport and Mltexport.
    • OverView:
      • I. Create a point-to-point file (.pts)  in SeisWorks containing the maximum twelve panels.
      • II. Use vi or nedit to add additional panels to the file.
      • III. Use the edited point file in Mltexport to export the horizon along the point file.
      • IV. Use Mltimport to import the horizon back into SeisWorks for quality control purposes and to export using Hie.
      • V. Use Hie to export the SeisWorks horizon along the point file.
    • I. Create a point-to-point arbitrary line having the maximum of twelve panels by selecting SeismicView +AD4- Seismic +AD4- Select from Map +AD4- Point to Point. After the arbitrary line is digitized in SeisWorks MapView, the panels should display in SeismicView. From SeismicView, select Seismic +AD4- Point Files +AD4- Point File Create. Enter a name for the point file in the Point File Create dialog box in the field below New Point File. Point files have a .ptf extent and are stored in the SeisWorks project directories. Your point file can be located by using the projls command if it is available on your system. Enter the following command in an xterm launched from OpenWorks. projls +ADw-the name of the 3D SeisWorks project+AD4- +AGAAKg-.dts? This command should return a list of all of the point files stored in this SeisWorks project including the full path to each one.
    • II. We need the Line,Trace numbers for the remaining bend points which define the final arbitrary line. These can be obtained by placing the mouse cursor in Map View where you would have digitized the points and noting the Line,Trace for each point. Use vi, nedit, or any other editor that is available to edit the ptf file to add the additional points. You may want to make a copy of the file prior to editing by using the Unix cp command. A ptf file consists of one line for each panel. The format must be exactly followed. Two points define the first panel following by the start, end time and then the SeisWorks project name. The next line begins with the same Line,Trace pair as the end point in the previous line and so forth. The
      edited ptf file cannot be displayed in SeisWorks. You will receive a message that the Number of Panels exceed the limit of  12 maximum.
    • III. Use the edited point file to export the horizon points along the traverse of the point file. OpenWorks Command Menu +AD4- Data +AD4- Management +AD4- Seismic Project Manager +AD4- Horizons +AD4- Import/Export +AD4- Mltexport. Select the SeisWorks project. Toggle on the Output File option and enter a name for the file by pressing the List button and entering a name for the file in the Selection box. I recommend an extent of .dat. By default, the file will be written to a SeisWorks project directory. Click on the Parameters button. Select the Point File. Keep other parameters at their default setting. OK.
      Press the Format button. I used Mlt Ascii and Line +ACY- Trace. OK. Select the Horizons button. Select your horizon. Keep other parameters at default setting. OK. Click the Apply button located near the lower left corner of the Mltexp dialog box. If all goes well, a popup window will state: Exported Horizons: 1. Exit Mltexp. Because the horizon was exported in Ascii format, you can view the file in an xterm by using the more command. I observed that the horizon points are sorted by Line then Trace.
    • IV. As a quality control step and to make the horizon available for export using Hie, use Mltimport to import the arbitrary line horizon back into SeisWorks. Seismic Project Manager +AD4- Horizons +AD4- Import/Export +AD4- Mltimport. Select the SeisWorks project. Select the dat file exported in step III. Because the horizon is being imported back into the same SeisWorks project, click on the Quick Map button to establish the SeisWorks project match. Click the Options button. Enter either a Prefix or Suffix
      in order to differentiate the imported horizon from the original. Apply. A popup window will State: Job complete and the number of points that were imported. Display the new horizon in SeisWorks MapView. Does the horizon look reasonable?
    • V. As stated in Step III, the Ascii file exported from Mltexport appeared to have the horizon points sorted by Line then by Trace.  This sort order may not be appropriate. You also may need X,Y fields instead of Line,Trace. Use Seismic Project Manager +AD4- Horizons +AD4- Import/Export +AD4- Hie to export the horizon. The Default:Single Format will output an ASCII format with the following fields: Line, Trace, X, Y, Horizon value. The file appears to be sorted in an order that agrees with the sequence of
      panels in the point-to-point file.
      Steps for massaging the data to generate cross-sections +IBM- appended

      1. Open the .ptf file and remove duplicate points and all data except line number, trace number (see II).
      2. Generate unique point ID numbers by removing the space between line and trace numbers (retain the individual line and trace numbers for step 3) in the .ptf file and saving as a new file+ADs- this is your key file to sort the exported data.
      For example: if line +AD0- 2000 and trace +AD0- 4000, unique point ID +AD0- 20004000
      3. Open the exported Hie exported file (notice it is sorted by line, then trace number).  You can presort the data in MS Excel by using the MATCH operator and the key file as follows (note: all these data will not match the key file) . . . +AD0-MATCH(+ADw-cell containing line numbers in Hie file+AD4-,+ADw-array containing line numbers in key file+AD4-, 0)  the zero indicates you want exact matches.  The result of the MATCH operator is the row containing the match.
      Do the same process for the trace.  Remove all the data that does not have a match in the line or trace column (i.e. returns +ACM-N/A for both line and trace).
      4.  Save this file as a tab delimited, this will become your new cross section data.
      5.  Open in text editor and remove spaces between line and trace numbers to generate unique point ID numbers (again, reserving the line and trace numbers as in step 2).  Save the file.
      6.  Reopen the file in MS Excel +IBM- you now have unique point numbers to compare to the key file.  Use the MATCH operator to match the unique point ID in the exported horizon data and the key file as in step 3.
      7.  Sort all the data by the MATCH column and remove the remaining data that does not match the key file.  The resulting file is in the order you used to create the cross section.

      Original procedure from David +IBM- appended by Spike Bohn (Geosystems team 4)
      Landmark Customer Support