Get Involved
Consider supporting JSG research and teaching at the White Family Outdoor Learning Center
For class or research access, please contact the JSG Associate Dean for Research, Michael Young.
Undergraduate Students
To get involved in research, please visit the Research page to learn more about ongoing projects and reach out to individual researchers by email to learn more about research opportunities. There are a variety of programs that faciltate undergraduate research, read on for some examples!
Jackson School undergraduate research
JSG faculty and researchers support a variety of undergraduate research experiences. To get involved in undergraduate research at the White Family Outdoor Learning Center, please visit the research page, reach out to faculty, and look out for postings.
Environmental Science Institute Capstone Research Projects
The final year of the EVS program culminates with a two-semester capstone research experience. Under the mentorship of a UT faculty member, students bring all of their education and experience to bear on a research question or issue that is of personal interest and importance to them. Currently, Xochitlinda Gonzalez is completing her capstone project under the advisement of Daniella Rempe, and in collaboration with researchers working on the Water Resources and Ecosystem Carbon Storage under Drought project.
InSTInCT REU Program
Inclusive Student Training in Collections and field-based Topics (InSTInCT) is an 8-week summer research program that provides undergraduates an opportunity to conduct cutting-edge scientific research on the diversity of life and organisms in their natural environment. This program is made possible by the Stengl-Wyer Endowment, to the College of Natural Sciences. In 2021, Johari Weaver comeplted get summer research project at the White Familiy Outdoor Learning Center under the advisement of Amy Wolf, Dana Chadwick, and Daniella Rempe.
Graduate Student Researchers
The ongoing research and environmental monitoring taking place at the White Family Outdoor Learning Center makes it a great location for research, as there are ample opportunities for collaboration and existing datasets to help contextualize your work. Talk with your advisor and professors conducting research at the site to consider encorporating it into your dissertation work.