Strata: Download the Code, Manual, and Tutorial
Strata 2.14 was released December ’97
- Strata 2.14 source (src-2.14.tar.gz) (source only, no manuals) (around 150 K compressed)
- Strata 2.14 user manual
- Exercises in Strata: A modeling primer
Building Strata
Please see the “Downloading Strata” appendix of the Strata User Manual on what to do after you’ve downloaded the source code. If you have Strata 2.12 or older, please be aware that the packaging method has changed significantly and you will need to read these instructions. Strata 2.12 cannot be patched to a later version; you must download the source in its entirety.
Changes in Strata
Please see the “User-Visible Changes” appendix of the Strata User Manual if you want to know what what’s different in this release (other than the better packaging).
Strata is written in C with X Windows graphics (using the X Toolkit and the Athena Widget set, both of which are part of the standard X distribution), development being with X11R5.
Strata has been successfully used on some DEC MIPS Ultrix, HP/UX v9, SGI, AIX, NetBSD, Linux, Solaris, and SunOS systems; the latter two platforms probably offer the most stability, being the main development environments. It ought to work in UNIX and UNIX-like systems in general. Strata is not available for other systems (e.g. MS Windows, Macintosh).
Note that most PCs can be made to have a UNIXish environment, sufficient to run Strata, with NetBSD or with Linux (for instance, Redhat Linux). Installation packages of these will usually come with X Windows, which is needed for Strata’s graphics. However, we lack the expertise to help if you have questions about Linux or NetBSD.