Biographic Sketch

Img 7572Sneha Nachimuthu is a graduate student and a research assistant at the Jackson School of Geoscience in the Department of Geological Sciences. She is interested in the urbanization of watersheds through changes in water geochemistry. She is specifically focused on using different environmental proxies to examine the change in water quality over time. She is focused on aqueous and environmental isotope geochemistry. In 2019 she examined the relationship between surface water nitrate levels and agriculture within Corn Belt watersheds at the

 University of Iowa NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program on interdisciplinary geospatial approaches to watershed sciences. In 2020 and 2021 she collaborated with an interdisciplinary team of interns and scientists at Argonne National Laboratory during two separate DOE SULI (Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships) appointments on the responsible innovation of bioplastics in the environment. From 2021 to 2022 she studied the conceptual groundwater flow model of Death Valley, between the Furnace Creek and Ash Meadows springs using an array of geochemical data.