Welcome to the new MC-ICP-MS Laboratory!
This state of the art laboratory features a Nu Instruments Nu Plasma 3D multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spetrometer (MC-ICP-MS) with 6 high-sensitivity Daly detectors and an Elemental Scientific Laboratories (ESL) NWR 196 excimer laser in a positively pressured, hepafiltered clean lab. Sample preparation is conducted in one of two class 100 isotope clean labs and some analyses are done in collaboration with TIMS lab (Thermal Ionization Mass Spectometer)
Routine analyses:
Pb, Li, and Hf isotopic compositions
Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd, and Rb-Sr parent-daughter pairs by isotope dilution (Sr and Nd analyzed by TIMS)
Laser ablation Hf in zircons
Under Development:
Mult-Daly analyses (Pb and Li isotopes)
U-Th geochronology
Environmental U isotopes
Laser ablation Li isotopes
More coming soon!!
We welcome contract analyses and research collaborations. The lab is staffed to complete analyses, but we are committed to analytical education and encourage users to participate in analysis of their own samples. Contact us about analyses.
Other laboratories within the Jackson School of Geosciences that work in collaboration with the MC-ICP-MS lab includes an electron microprobe/SEM facility, a high resolution X-ray tomography facility, a quadrupole ICP-MS facility, a high temperature stable isotope facility and a (U-Th)/He and U-Pb Geo-Thermochronology facility.
For more information on the lab, potential collaboration or analytical services, please contact:
Dr. Staci Loewy
MC-ICP-MS Laboratory Manager
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Geological Sciences
2275 Speedway, Stop C9000
Austin, TX 78712-1722
TEL: 512-471-6873
Email: sloewy@jsg.utexas.edu