SEM Technique: Cathodoluminesence

Our JEOL 6490 is equipped with a Gatan PanaCL cathodoluminescence (CL) detector, perfect for observing CL signals in zircons, quartz, carbonates, and other luminescent materials. The CL signal is collected using the Oxford Instruments Aztec software, allowing automated large-area image collection and very high single-image pixel counts. CL can be quite sensitive to final polish quality, but not so much as EBSD. CL can be collected in a high vacuum with a light carbon coat or in variable pressure mode with no coating.

PanaCL images of a ~200 um zircon grain, collected in 30 seconds.
PanaCL image of a ~300 µm zircon grain was collected at 4096×3072 pixels (600-700 nanometer step size) for 120 seconds.