
Banner, J.L., Black, B.A., and Tremaine, D.M., 2024, Positive unintended consequences of urbanization for climate-resilience of stream ecosystems. Nature Partner Journal Urban Sustainability 4, 16 (Article).

Cook, M.A., Tremaine, D., Wyatt, B.M., Banner, J.L., Charles, J., Berg, M. Bruno, T., Glazer, Y.R., Callison, C., Mace, R.E., Miller, V., Bare, R., Sanchez Flores, R., Seefeldt, J., Fuller, A., and Niyogi, D., 2024., Addressing challenges to ensuring justice and sustainability in policy and infrastructure for Texas water resources in the 21st century.  Texas Water Journal (in press).

Mauceri, A. and Banner, J.L., 2023, Resetting of soil compositions by irrigation in urban watersheds: Evidence from Sr isotope variations in Austin, TX . Journal: Science of the Total Environment, 904,  166928. DOI:org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166928 (Article)

Locker, A.,J., Valdez, F., Breecker, D.O., Banner, J.L., Loewy, S.L., Luzzader-Beach, S., Drake, S.M., Hyde, D.M., Trachman, R.M., and Lewis, B.S., 2023, Ancient Maya Movement in the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area, NW Belize, Journal of Archeological Science: Reports, 49, 104052. DOI:org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104052 (Article)

Sekhon, N., Banner, J.L., Tremaine, D., and Breecker, D.O., 2023, Using high resolution X-Ray computed tomography to test the suitability and guide the preparation of stalagmites for paleoclimate reconstruction. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 85, no. 1, p. 1-15. DOI:10.4311/2021ES0122.  (Article)

Wortham, B.E., Banner, J.L., James, E.W., Edwards, R. L., and Loewy, S., 2022, Application of cave monitoring to constrain the value and source of detrital 230Th/232Th in speleothem calcite: Implications for U-series geochronology of speleothems. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 596, 110978. (Article)

Sun, C. Tian, L., Shanahan, T.M., Partin, J.W., Gao, Y. and Banner, J.L., 2022, Isotopic variability in tropical cyclone precipitation is controlled by Rayleigh distillation and cloud microphysics. Nature Communications volume 3, Article number 50. (Article)

Potter, L.B., Tremaine, D.M., and Banner, J.L., 2022, Predictors of seasonal variation in residential water consumption in central Texas. Water. (Article)

Glazer, Y., Tremaine, D., Banner, J.L., Cook, M. Mace. R.E., Nielsen-Gammon, J. Grubert, E., Kramer, K., Stoner, A.M.K., Wyatt, B.M., Mayer, A., Beach, T. Correll, R., and Webber, M.E., 2021, Winter Storm Uri: A test of Texas’ Water infrastructure and water resource resilience to extreme winter weather events. J Extreme Events, DOI:10.1142/S23457376215002262150022-1. (Article)

Blaž Miklavič, B., Jenson, J.W., Mylroie, J.E., Randall, R.H., Banner, J.L., Partin, J.W., and Logar, N.Z., 2021, Field evidence for Relative sea-level  change and denudation on northern Guam, Mariana islands. Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific Technical Report No. 173. (Article)

Miller, N., Banner, J., Feng, W., Gonzales, A., and Kozdon, R., 2021, Hydroclimate response in Texas and Gulf of Mexico to rapid warming during the last deglacial: High-resolution speleothem proxy and monitoring evidence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 273, 107244. (Article)

Hu, J., Dee, S.G., Wong, C.I., Harman, C.J., Banner, J.L., and Bunnell, K.E., 2021, Assessing proxy system models of cave dripwater d18O variability. Quaternary Science Reviews 254, (Article)

Catania G., Hayhoe K., et al. (2021) Texas Scientists: Power outages show why Texas must prepare for climate change. Dallas Morning News, Op-Ed, February 24, 2021 (Article)

Nielsen-Gammon, J., Banner, J.L., Cook, B.I., Tremaine, D.M., Wong, C.I., Mace, R.E, Gao, H., Yang, Z.-L., Gonzalez, M.F., Hoffpauir, R., Gooch, T., and Kloesel, K., 2020, Unprecedented drought challenges for Texas water resources in a changing climate: What do researchers and stakeholders need to know? Earth’s Future (Article)

Carlson, P.E., Noronha, A.L., Banner, J.L., Jenson, J.W., Moore, M.W., Partin, J.W., Deininger, M., Breecker, D.O., Bautusta, K.K., 2020, Constraining speleothem oxygen isotope disequilibrium driven by rapid CO2 deassing and calcite precipitation: Insights from monitoring and modeling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Article)

Gulley, J., Breecker, D.O., Covington, M, Cooperdock, S., Banner, J., Moore, P.J., Noronha, A., Breithupt, C., Martin, J.B., Jenson, J., 2020, Tidal pumping and biogeochemical processes: dissolution within the tidal capillary fringe of eogenetic coastal carbonates. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,

Beal, L., Senison, J., Banner, J.L., Musgrove, Yazbek, L., M., Bendik, N., Herrington, C., and Reyes, D., 2020, Stream and spring water evolution in a rapidly urbanizing watershed, Austin, TX. Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2019WR025623. (Article)

Loewy, S., Valdes, J., Wang, H., Ingram, B., Miller, N.R., de la Cruz Medina, K., Roberts, A., Yanny, S., Banner, J., Feseha, M., Todd, L. and Kappelman, J., 2020, Improved accuracy of U-series and radiocarbon dating of ostrich eggshell using a sample preparation method based on microstructure and geochemistry: A study from the Middle Stone Age of Northwestern Ethiopia. Quaternary Science Reviews 247, 106525,

Baker, A., Hartmann, A., Duan, W., Hankin, S., Comas-Bru, Laia , Cuthbert, M.O., Treble, P.C., Banner, J.L., Genty, D., Baldini, L., Bartolomé, M., Moreno, A., Pérez-Mejías, C. and Werner, M., 2019, Global analysis reveals climatic controls on the oxygen isotope composition of cave drip water. Nature Communications, 984, (Article)

Bixler, R.P.; Atshan, S.; Banner, J.L.; Tremaine, D.; Mace, R., 2019, Assessing integrated sustainability research: Use of social network analysis to evaluate scientific integration and transdisciplinarity in research networks. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sustain. 39, 103-113. (Article)

Gingerich, S.B., Johnson, A.G., Rosa, S.N., Marineau, M.D., Wright, S.A., Hay, L.E., Widlansky, M.J., Jenson, J.W., Wong, C.I., Banner, J.L., Keener, V.W., and Finucane, M.L., 2019, Water resources on Guam—Potential impacts of and adaptive response to climate change: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5095, 55 p.,

Carlson, P.E., Banner, J.L., Johnson, K.R., Casteel, R.C., and Breecker, D.O., 2019, Carbon Cycling of Subsurface Organic Matter Recorded in Speleothem 14C Records: Maximizing Bomb-Peak Model Fidelity. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 246, 436-449. (Article)

Mickler, P.J., Carlson, P.E., Banner, J.L., Breecker, D.O., Stern, L. and Guilfoyle, A., 2019, Quantifying carbon isotope disequilibrium during in-cave evolution of drip water along discreet flow paths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 244, 182-196. (Article)

Kloesel, K., B. Bartush, J. Banner, D. Brown, K. Hayhoe, J. Lemory, X. Lin, G. McManus, E. Mullens, J. Nielsen-Gammon, M. Shafer, C. Sorenson, S. Sperry, D. Wildcat, and J. Ziolkowska (2018) Southern Great Plains. In Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC. doi: 10.7930/NCA4.2018.CH23.
Spectrum News Interview

Beal, L., Wong, C.I, Bautista, K., Jenson, J.W., Banner, J.L., Lander, M.A., Gingerich, S.B., Partin, J.W., Hardt, B. and van Oort, N.H., 2018, Isotopic and geochemical assessment of the sensitivity of groundwater resources of Guam, Mariana Islands, to intra- and inter-annual variations in hydroclimate. Journal of Hydrology 568, 174-183. (Article)

Carlson, P.E., Miller, N.R., Banner, J.L., Breecker, D.O. and Casteel, R.C., 2018, The potential of near-entrance stalagmites as high-resolution terrestrial paleoclimate proxies: Application of isotope and trace-element geochemistry to seasonally-resolved chronology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 235, 55–75. (Article)

Marshall, J.A., Banner, J.L., and You, H.S., 2018, Assessing the effectiveness of sustainability learning. Journal of College Science Teaching 47, 57-67. (Article)

Bergel, S., Carlson, P.E., Larson, T.E., Wood, C.T., Johnson, K.R., Banner, J.L., Breecker, D.O., 2017, Constraining the subsoil carbon source to cave-air CO2 and speleothem calcite in central Texas. Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta 217, 112-127. (Article)

Noronha, A., Hardt, B., Banner, J.L., Jenson, J., Partin, J., James, E.W., Lander, M. Bautista, K., 2017, Trade winds drive pronounced seasonality in carbonate chemistry in a tropical Western Pacific island cave – Implications for speleothem paleoclimatology. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18, 384–399. DOI: 10.1002/2016GC006644.

Starbird, M. and Banner, J.L., 2017, Scientists must do better at educating the public about their work. Dallas Morning News, 10/2/17 (Commentary)

AbiGhannam, N., Kahlor, L., Dudo, A., Liang, M., Rosenthal, S., Banner, J.L., 2015. Expectancies and motivations to attend an informal science lecture series. International Journal of Science Education, 1-24. (Article)

James, E.W., Banner, J.L., and Hardt, B., 2015. A global model for cave ventilation and seasonal bias in speleothem paleoclimate records. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16, 1044-1051. (Article)
EOS Research Spotlight

Partin J.W., Quinn T.M., Shen C.-C., Okumura Y., Cardenas M.B., Sirigan F.P., Banner J.L., Lin K. Hu H.-M., and Taylor F.W., 2015, Gradual onset and recovery of the Younger Dryas abrupt climate event in the tropics. Nature Communications 6, 1-9. (Article)

Wong, C., Banner, J.L., Musgrove, M., 2015. Holocene climate variability in Texas, USA: An integration of existing paleoclimate data and modeling with a new, high-resolution speleothem record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 1-19, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.06.023. (Article)

Banner, J.L., and Hersh, E.S., 2015, Water in twenty-first century Texas. Texas CEO Magazine, June 27, 2015. (Article)

Casteel, R. and Banner, J.L., 2014, Temperature-driven seasonal calcite growth and drip water trace
element variations in a well-ventilated Texas cave: Implications for speleothem paleoclimate studies. Chemical Geology 392, 43-8. (Article)

Feng, W., Hardt, B.F., Banner, J.L., Meyer, K.J., James, E.W., Musgrove, M., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H., and Min, A., 2014, Changing amounts and sources of moisture in the U.S. southwest since the Last Glacial Maximum in response to global climate change: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 401, p. 47–56, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.05.046. (Article)
Corrigendum to Feng et. al. (2014). (Article)

Meyer, K.W., Feng, W., Breecker, D. O, Banner, J. L., Guilfoyle, A., 2014, Interpretation of speleothem calcite δ13C values: Evidence from monitoring soil CO2, drip water, and modern speleothem calcite in central Texas. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.07.027. (Article)

Feng, W., Casteel, R.C., Banner, J.L., Heinz Fry, A., 2014, Oxygen isotopes of precipitation, cave drip water and speleothem calcite from a well-ventilated cave in Texas, USA: Assessing a new speleothem temperature proxy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 127, 233-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.11.039. (Article)

Partin, J., Quinn, T. M., Shen, C-C, Emile-Geay, J., Taylor, F.W., Maupin, C.R., Lin, K., Jackson, C.S., Banner, J.L., Sinclair, D.J., Huh, C.-A., 2013, Multi‐decadal rainfall variability in the South Pacific convergent zone as revealed by stalagmite geochemistry, Geology 41, 1143-1147. (Article)

Maupin, C. R., Partin, J. W., Shen, C.-C., Quinn, T. M., Lin, K., Taylor, F. W., Banner, J. L., Thirumalai, K., and Sinclair, D. J., 2013, Persistent decadal-scale rainfall variability in the tropical South Pacific Convergence Zone through the past six centuries, Climate of the Past Discuss. 9, 5593-5625, doi:10.5194/cpd-9-5593-2013. (Article)

Wong, C., Kromann, J. S., Hunt, B.B. Smith, B.A., and Banner, J.L, 2013, Investigating groundwater flow between Edwards and Trinity Aquifers in Central Texas, Groundwater 52, 624-39. DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12106. (Article; Research award).

Cowan, B., Osborne, M. and Banner, J. L., 2013, Temporal variability of cave-air CO2 in central Texas. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 75, p. 38–50. doi:10.4311/2011ES0246 (Article).

Wolaver, B., Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Banner, J.L., Cardenas, M.B., Gutierrez Ojeda, C., and Sharp, J.M. Jr., 2013, Identifying origins of and pathways for spring waters in a semiarid basin using He, Sr, and C isotopes: Cuatrociénegas Basin, Mexico. Geosphere 9, 113–125; doi:10.1130/GES00849.1.(Article)

Wong, C., Mahler, B. J., Musgrove, M., and Banner, J. L., 2012, Changes in sources and storage in a karst aquifer during a transition from drought to wet conditions. Journal of Hydrology 468-469, 159–172. (Article).

Breecker, D., Payne, A., Quade, J., Banner, J. L. Ball, C. and Cowan, B., 2012, The sources and sinks of CO2 in caves under mixed woodland and grassland vegetation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 96, 230-246. (Article).

Feng, W., Banner, J. L., Guilfoyle, A., Musgrove, M., and James, E. W., 2012, Oxygen isotopic fractionation between drip water and speleothem calcite: A 10-year monitoring study, central Texas, USA. Chemical Geology 304-305, 53-67. (Article)

Sinclair, D. J., Banner, J. L., Taylor, F. W., Partin, J., Jenson, J., Mylroie, J., Goddard, E., Quinn, T., Jocson, J., Miklavic, B., 2012, Magnesium and strontium systematics in tropical speleothems from the Western Pacific. Chemical Geology 294-5, 1-17. (Article)

Cleaveland, M. K., Votteler, T. H., Stahle, D. K., Casteel, R. C. and Banner, J. L., 2011, Extended chronology of drought in South Central, Southeastern and West Texas. Texas Water Journal 2, 54-96. (Article)

Partin, J. W., Jenson, J. W., Banner, J. L., Quinn, T. M., Taylor, F. W., Sinclair, D., Hardt, B., Lander, M. A., Bell, T., Miklavič, B. Jocson, J. M.U., Taboroši, 2011, Relationship between modern rainfall variability, cave dripwater and stalagmite geochemistry in Guam, USA, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13, Q03013, doi:10.1029/2011GC003930. (Article)

Wong, C., Banner, J. L., Musgrove, M., 2011, Seasonal dripwater Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca variations driven by cave ventilation: Implications for and modeling of speleothem paleoclimate records, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 3514–3529 (Article)

Christian, L. N., Banner, J. L., Mack, L. E., 2011, Sr isotopes as tracers of anthropogenic influences on stream water in the Austin, Texas, area, Chemical Geology 282, 84-97 (Article)

Wong, C., Banner, J. L., 2010, Response of cave air CO2 and drip water to brush clearing in central Texas: Implications for recharge and soil CO2 dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., 115 (Article)

Banner, J. L., Jackson, C. S., Zong-Liang, Y., Hayhoe, K., Woodhouse, C., Gulden, L., Jacobs, K., North, G., Leung, R., Washington, W., Jiang, X., Casteel, R., 2010, Climate change impacts on Texas water: A white paper assessment of the past, present and future and recommendations for action. Texas Water Journal 1, 1. (Article)

Pape J. R. , Banner J. L., Mack L. E. , Musgrove M., Guilfoyle A., 2010, Controls on oxygen isotope variability in precipitation and cave drip waters, central Texas, USA, Journal of Hydrology 385, 203–215 (Article)

Oster, J.L., Montañez, I.P., Guilderson, T.P., Sharp, W.D., Banner, J.L., 2010, Modeling speleothem δ13C variability in a central Sierra Nevada cave using 14C and 87Sr/86Sr, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 5228–5242. (Article)

Musgrove M., Stern L. A., Banner J. L., 2010, Springwater geochemistry at Honey Creek State Natural Area, central Texas: Implications for surface water and groundwater interaction in a karst aquifer, Journal of Hydrology 388, 144–156 (Article)

Banner, J. L., 2010, Get ready for a drier Texas, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 16, 2010. (Article)

Cowan, B., Hauwert, N., Banner, J. L., Ruez, D., Steele, R. and Colucci, L., 2010, Edwards aquifer field workshop guidebook. GK12 Program, Environmental Science Institute, University of Texas. (Guidebook).

Partin, J. W., Cobb, K. M. and Banner, J. L., 2008, Climate variability recorded in tropical and sub-tropical speleothems, PAGES News 16, No. 3, p. 9-10. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Guda, N., James, E. W., Stern, L. A., Zavala, B. and Gordon, J. D., 2008, A Novel Lecture Series and Associated Outreach Program in the Environmental and Natural Sciences. Journal of College Science Teaching 37, 30-37. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Veni, G., Cowan, B. and McGee, E., 2008, Geomorphic and Hydrochemcial History of the Edwards Aquifer at Inner Space Cavern. Geological Society of America Field Trip No. 411, 2008 GSA Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas. (Guidebook)

Banner, J. L., Guilfoyle, A., James, E., Stern, L. A. and Musgrove, M., 2007, Seasonal variations in modern speleothem calcite growth in Central Texas, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research 77, 615-622. (Article)

Uliana, M.M., Banner, J.L. and Sharp, J.M. Jr., 2007, Regional groundwater flow paths in Trans-Pecos, Texas inferred from oxygen, hydrogen, and strontium isotopes. Journal of Hydrology 334, 334-346. (Article)

Cooke, M. J., Stern, L. A., Banner, J. L. and Mack, L. E., 2007, Evidence for the silicate source of relict soils on the Edwards Plateau, central Texas. Quaternary Research 67, 275–285. (Article)

Mickler, P., Stern, L. A., and Banner, J. L., 2006, Large kinetic isotope effects in modern speleothems. Geological Society of America Bulletin 118, 65-81. (Article)

Cooke, M. J., Stern, L. A., Banner, J. L. and Mack, L. E., 2005, The origin of relict, thick soils in central Texas, Austin Geological Society Bulletin, v. 1, 33-38. (Article)

Lefticariu, L., Perry, E. C., Fischer, M. P., and Banner, J. L., 2005, Evolution of fluid compartmentalization in a detachment fold complex. Geology 33, 69-72, (Article)

Banner, J. L.. and Guda, N., 2004, Reforming universities to save the environment, Austin American Statesman, November 8, 2004, p. A11. (Article)

Mickler, P. M., Banner, J. L., Stern, L. A., Asmerom, Y., Edwards, R. L., and Ito, E., 2004, Stable isotope variations in modern tropical speleothems: Evaluating equilibrium vs. kinetic isotope effects. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 4381–4393, (Article)

Banner, J. L., 2004, Radiogenic isotopes: Systematics and applications to earth surface processes and chemical stratigraphy, Earth Science Reviews 65, 141–194. (Article)

Forbis, T. D., Douglas, R., Gorsline, D., Nava-Sanchez, E., Mack, L., Banner, J., 2004, Late Pleistocene (Last Interglacial) terrace deposits, Bahia Coyote, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Quaternary International 120, 29–40. (Article)

Mickler, P., Ketcham, R., Colbert, M. and Banner, J. L., 2004, Application of high-resolution X-ray computed tomography in determining the suitability of speleothems for use in paleoclimatic and paleohydrologic reconstructions, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 66, 4-8. (Article)

Musgrove, M. and Banner, J. L., 2004, Controls on the spatial and temporal variability of vadose dripwater geochemistry: Edwards Aquifer, central Texas, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 1007-1020. (Article)

Jones, I. C. and Banner, J. L., 2003, Estimating recharge thresholds in tropical karst island aquifers: Barbados, Puerto Rico and Guam, Journal of Hydrology, 278, 131-143. (Article)

Jones, I. C. and Banner, J. L., 2003, Hydrogeologic and climatic influences on spatial and interannual variation of recharge to a tropical karst island aquifer, Water Resources Research 39, 1253-1263. (Article)

Cooke, M. J., Stern, L. A., Banner, J. B., Mack, L. E., Stafford, T., and Toomey, R. S., 2003, Precise timing and rate of massive late Quaternary soil denudation, Geology 31, 853-856. (Article)

Jackson, R. B., Banner, J. B., Jobbágy, E. G., Pockman, W. T., Diana H. Wall, D. H., 2002, Ecosystem carbon loss with woody plant invasion of grasslands Nature 418, 623-626. (Article, News & Views, other links)

Musgrove, M., Banner, J. L., Mack, L. E., Combs, D. M., James, E. W., Cheng, H. and R. L. Edwards, 2001, Geochronology of Late Pleistocene to Holocene speleothems from central Texas: Implications for regional paleoclimate, Geological Society of America Bulletin 113, 1532-1543. (Article)

Jones, I. C., Banner, J. L., and Humphrey, J. D., 2000, Estimating recharge in a tropical karst aquifer. Water Resources Research 36, 1289-1299. (Article)

Sharp, J. M., Jr. and Banner, J. L., 2000, The Edwards Aquifer: Water for Thirsty Texans, in: Schneiderman, J., ed., The Earth Around Us: Maintaining a Livable Planet, W. H. Freeman and Co., New York, pp 154-165. (Article)

Sturchio, N. C., Banner, J. L., Binz, C. M. Heraty, L. B., and Musgrove, M., 2001, Radium geochemistry of ground waters in Paleozoic carbonate aquifers, Midcontinent, U.S.A., Applied Geochemistry 16, 109-122. (Article)

Montañez, I. P., Osleger, D. A., Banner, J. L., Mack, L. E., and Musgrove, M., 2000, Evolution of the Sr and C isotope composition of Cambrian oceans. (Article)

NSF Workshop Participants, 2000, Research opportunities in low-temperature geochemistry and environmental geochemistry, GSA Today 10, no. 9, 10-14. (Article)

Mehta, S., Fryar, A. E., and Banner, J. L., 2000, Controls on the regional-scale salinization of the Ogallala aquifer, Southern High Plains, Texas, USA, Applied Geochemistry 15, 849-864. (Article)

Lehmann, C., Osleger, D. A., Montañez, I. P., Sliter, W., Arnaud-Vanneau, A., and Banner, J. L., 1999, Evolution of Cupido and Coahuila carbonate platforms, Early Cretaceous, northeastern Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin 111, 1010-1029. (Article)

Jones, I. C., Banner, J. L., and Mwansa, B. J., 1998, Geochemical constraints on recharge and groundwater evolution: The Pleistocene limestone aquifer of Barbados. In: Segarra-Garcia, R. I. (ed.), Tropical hydrology and Caribbean water resources. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Tropical Hydrology and Fifth Caribbean Islands Water Resources Congress, July 12-16, 1998, San Juan, PR. AWRA Tech. Publ. Ser. TPS-98-2, p. 9-14. (Article)

Sharp, J.M. Jr., and Banner, J. L., 1997, The Edwards aquifer of central Texas: A resource in conflict. GSA Today 7, no. 8, 1-9. (Article)

Banner, J. L., 1997, Low-temperature isotope geochemistry. Geotimes 42, 58-59. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Musgrove, M., Edwards, R. L., Asmerom, Y., and Hoff, J. A., 1996, High-resolution temporal record of Holocene ground-water chemistry: Tracing links between climate and hydrology. Geology 24, 1049-1052. (Article)

Montañez, I. P., Banner, J. L., Osleger, D. A., Borg, L. E., and Bosserman, P. J., 1996, Integrated Sr isotope vartiations and sea-level history of Middle to Upper Cambrian platform carbonates: Implications for the evolution of Cambrian seawater Sr-87/Sr-86. Geology 24, 917-920. (Article)

Borg, L. E. and Banner, J. L., 1996, Neodymium and strontium isotopic constraints on soil sources in Barbados, West Indies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60, 4193-4206. (Article)

Oetting, G. C., Banner, J. L., and Sharp, J. M. Jr., 1996, Regional controls on the geochemical evolution of saline groundwaters in the Edwards aquifer, central Texas. Journal of Hydrology 181, 251-283. (Article)

Kirkland, B.L., Banner, J.L., Moore, C.H., Hoffman, C., Pursell, B. and Vasquez, R., 1996, Cretaceous cyclic platform carbonates of central Texas: South-Central Section Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Field Trip Guidebook #3, 36 p. (Field Trip Guidebook)

Kerans, C. Goldhammer, R.K., and Banner, J. L., 1996, Carbonates. Geotimes 41, 52-53. (Article)

Banner, J. L., 1995, Application of the trace-element and isotope geochemistry of strontium to studies of carbonate diagenesis. Sedimentology 42, 805-824. (Article).

Banner, J. L., 1995, Low-temperature isotope geochemistry. Geotimes 40, 50-51. (Article)

Banner, J. L. and Kaufman, J., 1994, The isotopic record of ocean chemistry and diagenesis preserved in nonluminescent brachiopods from Mississippian carbonate rocks, Illinois and Missouri. Geological Society of America Bulletin 106, 1074-1082. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Musgrove, M., and Capo, R., 1994, Tracing groundwater evolution in a limestone aquifer using Sr isotopes – Effects of multiple sources of dissolved ions and mineral-solution reactions. Geology 22, 687-690. (Article)

Oetting, G.C., Banner, J.L., and Sharp, J.M. Jr., 1994, Regional geochemical and isotopic variations in badwaters of the Edwards aquifer. In, Edwards aquifer: The Barton and San Marcos Springs area – A field trip guide book, American Institute of Hydrology 1994 Annual Conference, Austin, TX, p. 1-13. (Article)

Musgrove, M. and Banner, J.L., 1993, Regional groundwater mixing and the origin of saline fluids – Midcontinent, United States. Science 259, 1877-1882. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Wasserburg, G. J., Chen, J. H., and Humphrey, J. D., 1991, Uranium-series evidence on diagenesis and hydrology in Pleistocene carbonates of Barbados, West Indies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 107, 129-137. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Wasserburg, G. J., Chen, J. H., and Moore, C. H., 1990, 234U-238U-230Th-232Th systematics in saline groundwaters from central Missouri. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 101, 296-312. (Article)

Banner, J. L., and Hanson, G. N., 1990, Calculation of simultaneous isotopic and trace-element variations during water-rock interaction with applications to carbonate diagenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 54, 3123-3137. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Wasserburg, G. J., Dobson, P. F., Carpenter, A. B., and Moore, C. H., 1989, Isotopic and trace-element constraints on the origin and evolution of saline groundwaters from central Missouri. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta 53, 383-398. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Hanson, G. N., and Meyers, W. J., 1988, Water-rock interaction history of regionally extensive dolomites of the Burlington–Keokuk Formation (Mississippian): Isotopic evidence. In: Shukla, V., and Baker, P. A. (eds.), Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Dolostones, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication No. 43, 97-113. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Hanson, G. N., and Meyers, W. J., 1988, Rare-earth element and Nd isotopic variations in regionally extensive dolomites from the Burlington-Keokuk formation (Mississippian). Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 58, 415-432. (Article)

Banner, J. L., Hanson, G. N., and Meyers, W. J., 1988, Determination of initial Sr-isotopic compositions of dolostones from the Burlington–Keokuk Formation (Mississippian) – Constraints from cathodoluminescence, glauconite paragenesis, and analytical methods. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 58, 673-687. (Article)

Shirey, S. B., Banner, J. L., and Hanson, G. N., 1987, Cation-exchange column calibration for Sr and the REE by EDTA titration. Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section) 65, 183-187. (Article)