Oral Presentations
Contributed oral presentations will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes, typically consisting of 15 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Plenary talks are 30 minutes, allowing for 5 minutes of discussion.
Oral presentation authors should deliver their electronic material, in a .ppt or .pptx format, before the start of each session that they are presenting.
Poster Guidelines
Size: Maximum width: 6 feet and Minimum Height: 3 feet (these measurements will ensure that your poster will fit on the stands)
- Give yourself a half inch of white space on all sides to the edge of the paper.
- Presentation should cover the material cited in the abstract
- Poster must have title and author names
- Prepare figures to be size sufficient for viewing at ~2 meters distance
- Paragraph and caption text should be no smaller than 24-point font, header text ~36-point font
- Organize the information in a clear, orderly, and self-explanatory way
Abstract Book Publishing Policy
Presenting authors are required to ensure that all co-authors are aware and agree to the content of the abstract before submission. Abstracts will be published in the NAWLA2019 Book of Abstracts. The abstracts must refer to original research and must not be or have been published or presented prior to NAWLA2019.