
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Underline denotes supervised student or post-doctoral fellow       * denotes undergraduate student

  1. Ochoa, F., Meyer, A. M. Matheny (Under Review) Using the enhanced vegetation index to derive estimates of transpiration in arid and semi-arid lands. Remote Sensing
  2. Bardou, R., M. J. Osland, S. Scyphers, C. Shepard, K. E. Aerni1, J. B. Alemu I, R. Crimian, R. H. Day, N. M. Enwright, L. C. Feher, S. L. Gibbs, K. O’Donnel, S. H. Swinea, K. Thorne, S. Truskey, A. R. Armitage, R. Baker, J. L. Breithaupt, K. C. Cavanaugh, J. Cebrian, K. Cummins, D. J. Devlin, J. Doty, K. H. Dunton, W. L. Ellis, I. C. Feller, C. A. Gabler, Y. Kang, D. A. Kaplan, J. P. Kennedy, K. W. Krauss, M. M. Lamont, K. Liu, M. Martinez, A. M. Matheny, G. M. McClenachan, K. L. McKee, I. A. Mendelssohn, T. C. Michot, C. J. Miller, J. A. Moon, R. P. Moyer, J. Nelson, R. O’Connor, J. W. Pahl, J. L. Pitchford, C. E. Proffitt, T. Quirk, K. R. Radabaugh, W. A. Scheffel, D. L. Smee, C. M. Snyder, E. Sparks, K. M. Swanson, W. C. Vervaeke, C. A. Weaver, J. Willis, E. S. Yando, Q. Yao, A. R.Hughes (Under Review) Rapidly changing range limits in a warming world: critical data limitations and knowledge gaps for advancing understanding of mangrove range dynamics. Journal of Ecology
  3. Dai, X., Z. Yu, A. M. Matheny, W. Zhou, J. Xia (Under Review) Increasing evapotranspiration decouples the positive correlation between vegetation cover and warming in the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science
  4. Southard, P. J., J. P. L. Johnson, D. Rempe, A. M. Matheny (2022) Impacts of vegetation on dryland river morphology: insights from spring-fed channel reaches, Henry Mountains, Utah. Water Resources Research 58(6), e2021WR031701. Pgs 24. DOI: 10.1029/2021WR031701
  5. Lu, Y., Sloan, S. Thompson, A. Konings, G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, X. Feng (2022) Intra-specific variability in plant hydraulic parameters inferred from model inversion of sap flux data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127(6), e2021JG006777. Pgs 20. DOI: 10.1029/2021JG006777  Highlighted in EOS Research Spotlight
  6. Silva, M., A. M. Matheny, V. R. N. Pauwels, D. Triadis, J. E. Missik, G. Bohrer, E. Daly (2022) Tree Hydrodynamic Modelling of Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC-3Hpy). Geoscientific Model Development, Pgs. 21, DOI: 10.5194/gmd-2021-270
  7. A. M. Matheny (2021) Stressors reveal ecosystems’ hidden characteristics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(8), e2021JG006462, Pgs 6. DOI: 10.1029/2021JG006462
  8. Konings, A., S. Saatchi, C. Frankenberg, M. Keller, V. Leshyk, W. Anderegg, V. Humphrey, A. M. Matheny, A. Trugman, L. Sack, E. Agee, M. Barnes, O. Binks, K. Cawse-Nicholson, B. Christoffersen, D. Entekhabi, P. Gentine, N. Holtzman, G. Katul, Y. Liu, M. Longo, J. Martinez-Vilalta, N. McDowell, P. Meir, M. Mencuccini, A. Mrad, K. A. Novick, R. S. Oliveira, P. Siqueira, S. C. Steele-Dunne, D. R. Thompson, Y. Wang, R. Wehr, J. D. Wood, X. Xu, P. A. Zuidema (2021) Detecting Forest Response to Droughts with Global Observations of Vegetation Water Content. Global Change Biology, 27, Pg 6005-6024. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15872
  9. Kannenberg, S., J. Guo, K. Novick, W. Anderegg, X. Feng, D. Kennedy, A. Konings, J. Martinez-Vilalta, A. M. Matheny (2021) Opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls in characterizing plant water-use strategies. Functional Ecology, 36, Pg 24-37. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13945
  10. Agee, E., L. He, G. Bisht, V. Couvreur, P. Shahbaz, F. Meunier, C. Gough, A. M. Matheny, G. Bohrer, V. Ivanov (2021) Root lateral interactions drive water uptake patterns under water limitation. Advances in Water Resources, 151, 103896, Pgs 14. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2021.103896
  11. Li, L., Z-L. Yang, A. M. Matheny, H. Zheng, S. Swenson, D. Lawrence, M. Barlage, B. Yan, N. G. McDowell, L. R. Leung (2021) Development of plant hydraulics in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13, e2020MS002214, Pgs 27. DOI: 10.1029/2020MS002214
  12. Poyatos, R., V. Granda, V. Flo, M.A. Adams, B. Adorján, D. Aguadé, M. P. M. Aidar, S. Allen, M. S. Alvarado-Barrientos, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, L. M. Aparecido, M. A. Arain, I. Aranda, H. Asbjornsen, R. Baxter, E. Beamesderfer, Z. C. Berry, D. Berveiller, B. Blakely, J. Boggs, G. Bohrer, P. V. Bolstad, D. Bonal, R. Bracho, P. Brito, J. Brodeur, F. Casanoves, J. Chave, H. Chen, C. Cisneros, K. Clark, E. Cremonese, H. Dang, J. S. David, T. S. David, N. Delpierre, A. R. Desai, F. C. Do, M. Dohnal, J.-C. Domec, S. Dzikiti, C. Edgar, R. Eichstaedt, T. S. El-Madany, J. Elbers, C. B. Eller, E. S. Euskirchen, B. Ewers, P. Fonti, A. Forner, D. I. Forrester, H. C. Freitas, M. Galvagno, O. Garcia-Tejera, C. P. Ghimire, T. E. Gimeno, J. Grace, A. Granier, A. Griebel, Y. Guangyu, M. B. Gush, P. J. Hanson, N. J. Hasselquist, I. Heinrich, V. Hernandez-Santana, V. Herrmann, T. Hölttä, F. Holwerda, J. Irvine, S. I. N. Ayutthaya, P. G. Jarvis, H. Jochheim, C. A. Joly, J. Kaplick, H. S. Kim, L. Klemedtsson, H. Kropp, F. Lagergren, P. Lane, P. Lang, A. Lapenas, V. Lechuga, M. Lee, C. Leuschner, J.-M. Limousin, J. C. Linares, M.-L. Linderson, A. Lindroth, P. Llorens, Á. López-Bernal, M. M. Loranty, D. Lüttschwager, C. Macinnis-Ng, I. Maréchaux, T. A. Martin, A. M. Matheny, N. McDowell, S. McMahon, P. Meir, I. Mészáros, M. Migliavacca, P. Mitchell, M. Mölder, L. Montagnani, G. W. Moore, R. Nakada, F. Niu, R. H. Nolan, R. Norby, K. Novick, W. Oberhuber, N. Obojes, A. C. Oishi, R. S. Oliveira, R. Oren, J.-M. Ourcival, T. Paljakka, O. Perez-Priego, P. L. Peri, R. L. Peters, S. Pfautsch, W. T. Pockman, Y. Preisler, K. Rascher, G. Robinson, H. Rocha, A. Rocheteau, A. Röll, B. H. P. Rosado, L. Rowland, A. V. Rubtsov, S. Sabaté, Y. Salmon, R. L. Salomón, E. Sánchez-Costa, K. V. R. Schäfer, B. Schuldt, A. Shashkin, C. Stahl, M. Stojanović, J. C. Suárez, G. Sun, J. Szatniewska, F. Tatarinov, M. Tesař, F. M. Thomas, P. Tor-ngern, J. Urban, F. Valladares, C. van der Tol, I. van Meerveld, A. Varlagin, H. Voigt, J. Warren, C. Werner, W. Werner, G. Wieser, L. Wingate, S. Wullschleger, K. Yi, R. Zweifel, K. Steppe, M. Mencuccini, J. Martínez-Vilalta (2021). Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2020, 1-57. Pg 2607-2649.DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpw110
  13. Aron, P. G., C. J. Poulsen, A. M. Matheny, R. P. Fiorella, T. Veverica (2020) An isotopic approach to quantify transpiration in a mixed deciduous forest. Ecohydrology 13(6), e2229. Pgs 19. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2229
  14. Pappas, C., J. Maillet, S. Rakowski, J. L. Baltzer, A. G. Barr, T. A. Black, S. Fatichi, C. P. Laroque, A. M. Matheny, A. Roy, O. Sonnentag, T. Zha, (2020) Aboveground tree growth is a minor and decoupled fraction of boreal forest carbon input. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 290, 108030, Pgs 12. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108030
  15. Matheny, A. M. and G. Bohrer (2019) Water cycling: 3.7 Sap flux. Pg S230-S236 In Halbritter, et al., The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate-change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx). Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11, Pg 22-37. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210x.13331
  16. Matheny, A. M., P. Marchetto, J. Powell, Rechner, J.-Y. Chuah, E. McCormick*, S. Pierce, (2019) LEAF: Logger for Ecological and Atmospheric Factors. HardwareX, 6, Pgs 15. DOI:10.1016/j.ohx.2019.e00079
  17. Aron, P., C. Poulsen, R. Fiorella, A. M. Matheny (2019) Stable Water Isotopes Reveal Effects of Intermediate Disturbance and Canopy Structure on Forest Water Cycling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124(10), Pg 2958-2975. DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005118 Highlighted in EOS Research Spotlight
  18. Mirfenderesgi, G., A. M. Matheny, G. Bohrer (2018) Hydrodynamic trait coordination and cost-benefit tradeoffs throughout the isohydric-anisohydric continuum in trees. Ecohydrology, 12(1): e2041. Pgs 16. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2041
  19. Mursinna, A. R.*, McCormick*, K. Van Horn*, L. Sartin*, A. M. Matheny (2018) Plant hydraulic trait covariation: a global meta-analysis to reduce degrees of freedom in trait-based hydrologic models. Forests, 9(8). Pgs 16. DOI: 10.3390/f9080446 Cover Article
  20. Fiorella, R., C. Poulsen, A. M. Matheny (2018) Seasonal patterns of water cycling in a deep, continental mountain valley inferred from stable water vapor isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 123, Pgs 21. DOI:10.1029/2017JD028093
  21. Pappas, C., A. M. Matheny, J. Baltzer, A. Barr, T. Black, G. Bohrer, M. Detto, J. Maillet, A. Roy, O. Sonnentag, J. Stephens (2018) Boreal tree hydrodynamics: asynchronous, diverging, yet complementary. Tree Physiology. 38(7). Pg 953-964. DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpy043 Cover Article
  22. Peters, R.L., P. Fonti, D. C. Frank, R. Poyatos, C. Pappas, A. Kahmen, V. Carraro, A. L. Prendin, L. Schneider, J. L. Baltzer, G. A. Barron-Gafford, L. Dietrich, I. Heinrich, R. L. Minor, O. Sonnentag, A. M. Matheny, M. Wightman, K. Steppe (2018) Quantification of uncertainties in conifer sap flow measured with the thermal dissipation method. New Phytologist. 219, Pg 1283-1299. DOI: 10.1111/nph.15241
  23. Matheny, A. M., S. R. Garrity, G. Bohrer (2017) The calibration and use of capacitance sensors to monitor stem water content in trees. JoVE Journal of Visual Experiments. (130) 57062. Pgs 10.DOI:10.3791/57062
  24. Fisher, R. A., C. Koven, W. R. L. Anderegg, B. O. Christoffersen, M. C. Dietze, C. Farrior, J. A. Holm, G. Hurtt, R. G. Knox, P. J. Lawrence, J. W. Lichststein, M. Longo, A. M. Matheny, D. Medvigy, H. C. Muller-Landau, T. L. Powell, S. P. Serbin, H. Sato, J. Shuman, B. Smith, A. T. Trugman, T. Viskari, H. Verbeeck, E. Weng, C. Xu, X. Xu, T. Zhang, P. Moorcroft (2017) Vegetation demographics in Earth system models: a review of progress and priorities. Global Change Biology. 24(1), Pg 35-54. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13910
  25. Morin, T. H., C. Rey-Sánchez, C. S. Vogel, A. M. Matheny, G. Bohrer (2017) Carbon dioxide emissions from an oligotrophic temperate lake: an eddy covariance approach. Ecological Engineering. Pg 25-33. DOI:
  26. Kenny, W. T., G. Bohrer, T. H. Morin, C. S. Vogel, A. M. Matheny, A. R. Desai (2017) A numerical case study of the implications of secondary circulation to the interpretation of eddy covariance measurements in small lakes. Boundary Layer Meteorology. 1-22. Pg 311-332. DOI: 10.1007/s10546-017-0268-8
  27. Morin, T. H., K. Stefanik, G. Bohrer, A. Rey-Sanchez, A. M. Matheny, W. Mitsch (2017) Combining eddy-covariance and chamber measurements to determine the methane budget from a small, heterogeneous urban floodplain wetland park. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 237-238, Pg 160-170. DOI:
  28. Matheny, A. M., G. Mirfedneresgi, G. Bohrer, (2017) Trait-based representation of hydrological functional properties of plants in weather and ecosystem models. Plant Diversity. 39(1), Pg 1-12.DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2016.10.001
  29. Matheny, A. M., R. Fiorella, G. Bohrer, C. Poulsen, T. H. Morin, A. Wunderlich, C. S. Vogel, P. S. Curtis (2016) Contrasting strategies of water acquisition and use in two co-dominant temperate tree species. Ecohydrology, 10(3), Pgs 16. DOI: 1002/eco.1815
  30. Mirfenderesgi, G., G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, S. Fatichi, K. V. R. Schafer (2016) Tree-level hydrodynamic approach for stomatal conductance parameterization. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121(7). Pg 1792-1813, DOI:10.1002/2016JG003467.
  31. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, S.R. Garrity, T. H. Morin, C.J. Howard, C.S. Vogel (2015) Observations of stem water storage in trees of opposing hydraulic strategies. Ecosphere, 6(9), 165. Pgs 13, DOI:1890/ES15-00170.1
  32. Frasson, R.P.M, G. Bohrer, D. Medvigy, A. M. Matheny, C.S. Vogel, C.M. Gough, K.D. Maurer, P.S. Curtis (2015) Severity of moderate disturbances affect the post-disturbance carbon dynamics in a simulated northern temperate forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(11). Pg 2178-2193, DOI: 10.1002/2015JG003035
  33. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, C. S. Vogel, T. H. Morin, L. He, R. P. M. Frasson, G. Mirfenderesgi, K.V.R. Schafer, C. M. Gough, V. Y. Ivanov, P. S. Curtis (2014) Species-Specific transpiration responses to intermediate disturbance in a northern hardwood forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119(12), Pg 2292-2311, DOI: 10.1002/2014JG002804 Highlighted in EOS Research Spotlight
  34. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, P. Stoy, I. Baker, T. A. Black, A. R. Desai, M. Dietze, C. M. Gough, V. Y. Ivanov, R. S. Jassal, K. A. Novick, K. V. R. Schafer, H. Verbeek (2014), Characterizing the diurnal patterns of errors in the prediction of evapotranspiration by several land-surface models: an NACP analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119(7), 2014JG002623. Pg 1458-1473, DOI: 1002/2014JG002623.
  35. Thomsen, J., G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, V. Y. Ivanov, L. He, H. Renninger, and K. Schäfer (2013), Contrasting hydraulic strategies during dry soil conditions in Quercus rubra and Acer rubrum in a sandy site in Michigan. Forests, 4(4). Pg 1106-1120, DOI: 10.3390/f4041106



  1. Matheny, A. M. (2016) Development of a Novel Plant-Hydrodynamic Approach for Modeling of Forest Transpiration During Drought and Disturbance. D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering. Supervisor – Gil Bohrer.
  2. Matheny, A. M. (2013) Quantifying the Sensitivity of Land-Surface Models to Hydrodynamic Stress Limitations on Transpiration. Master’s Thesis, The Ohio State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Supervisor – Gil Bohrer.



  1. Matheny, A. M., M. Restrepo Acevedo, M. Ulatowski, S. A. Cabraal (June 2022) Investigating the Impact of Winter Storm Uri on U.S. Gulf Coast Mangroves. Poster. AGU Frontiers in Hydrology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  2. Ulatowski, M. A. M. Matheny, T. Shanahan (June 2022) Salinity’s effect on mangrove productivity growing Avicenna germinans propagules in a controlled greenhouse. E-lightning oral. AGU Frontiers in Hydrology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  3. Restrepo Acevedo, A.M., A. M. Matheny, C. Pluim* (June 2022) Differences in wood water storage dynamics in Pinus strobus and Acer rubrum under water limited and well-water conditions. E-lightning oral. AGU Frontiers in Hydrology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  4. Missik, J., Bohrer, E. Daly, M. Silva, A. M. Matheny, A. M. Restrepo Acevedo (June 2022) Examining Species-Specific Hydraulic Traits Using ET Measurements and a Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Model (FETCH3). Invited Oral. AGU Frontiers in Hydrology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  5. Matheny, A. M., Ulatowski, A. Molini, M. Detto, C. Xu, T. Shanahan, (May 2022) A Novel Halophyte-Capable Plant Hydraulics Model for Mangrove Forest Function. E-lightning oral, Department of Energy ESS PI Meeting, Washington D.C.
  6. M. Restrepo Acevedo, E. Agee, A. M. Matheny, (May 2022) Wood water content influences sap flux estimations under water limited conditions in a deciduous forest in Michigan. Oral. European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Vienna Austria.
  7. Matheny, A. M., Pluim*, A. M. Restrepo Acevedo, S. A. Cabraal, M. Ulatowski, J. McLaughlin, L. Beaman, (Dec. 2021) Ecosystem stressors reveal hidden controls on forest transpiration. Invited Oral. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  8. Missik, J. E., Bohrer, E. Daly, M. Silva, A. M. Matheny, A. M. Restrepo Acevedo, (Dec. 2021) Influences of species-specific hydraulic traits on stomatal response to water stress: Insights from a tree-level hydrodynamic model (FETCH3). Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  9. Restrepo Acevedo, A. M., Agee, A. M. Matheny (Dec. 2021) Wood water content influences sap flux estimations under water limited conditions in a deciduous forest in Michigan. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  10. Stuart-Haentjens, E. J., A. Bergamaschi, C. Gough, S. C. Neubauer, S. Knox, J. Villa, G. Bohrer, F. Anderson, I. Woo, Z. Zhu, K. Nakatsuka, G. Nakai, A. M. Matheny, L. Windham-Myers (Dec. 2021) How elevation influences carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from tidal fresh and saltwater wetlands. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  11. Matheny, A. M., M. Restrepo Acevedo, M. Ulatowski, S. Cabraal, M. Detto, A. Molini, C. Xu, T. Shanahan (Aug 2021) Mangrove ecosystems under stress: from carbon sink to source. Poster. DOE ESS PI Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (online)
  12. Matheny, A. M., Rechner, A.M. Restrepo Acevedo, S. Cabraal, (June 2021) The effects of partial species removal on a semi-arid forest in west Texas. Poster. 34th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Minneapolis, MN.
  13. Matheny, A. M., M. Restrepo Acevedo, L.Li, E. Agee (Dec. 2020) The hydraulic capacitance of biomass: opportunities and challenges in observation and modeling. Invited Oral. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Online.
  14. Li, L.,, L. Yang, A. M. Matheny, H. Zheng, S. C. Swenson, D. M. Lawrence, M. Barlage, W-Y, W., B. Yan (Dec. 2020) Multi-Scale Understanding and Modeling of Plant Hydraulics. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Online.
  15. Restrepo Acevedo, A. M., E. Agee, A. M. Matheny (Dec. 2020) Evaluating the influence of wood water content under no flow conditions for trees among isohydric and anisohydric species. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Online.
  16. Bisht, G., W. Riley, G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, R. Mills (Sept. 2020) Development of a soil-plant-atmosphere continuum model with support for heterogeneous computing architectures. Poster. E3SM Annual Meeting (online)
  17. Matheny, A. M., Li, A.M. Restrepo Acevedo, A. Rechner (Aug. 2020) Incorporating plant hydraulic strategies into land-atmosphere models: new challenges and approaches from plant to regional scales. Invited Oral. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
  18. Matheny, A. M., M. Detto, A. Molini, C. Xu, T. Shanahan, M. Restrepo Acevedo (May 2020) Incorporating halophyte hydrodynamics into plant hydraulics models to capture mangrove forest responses to a changing climate. Poster. DOE PI Meeting, Washington D.C.
  19. Bohrer, T. Yazbeck, A. M. Restrepo Acevedo, A. M. Matheny, (May 2020). Diurnal and inter-day hysteresis of species-specific stomatal conductance from sap-flow measurements illustrates hydraulic-stress responses strategies of trees. Poster. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  20. Pappas, J. Maillet, S. Rakowski, J. L. Baltzer, A. G. Barr, T. A. Black, S. Fatichi, C. P. Laroque, A. M. Matheny, A. Roy, O. Sonnentag, and T. Zha (May 2020) Aboveground tree growth is a minor and decoupled fraction of boreal forest carbon input. Poster. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  21. Matheny, A. M., C. Xu, A. Molini, M. Detto, T. Shanahan (Dec. 2019) Towards the inclusion of osmotic potential in plant hydrodynamics models to capture mangrove forest responses to changing climate. Poster. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  22. Li, L.,-L. Yang, A. M. Matheny, H. Zheng, S. C. Swenson, D. M. Lawrence, N. Barlage, B. Yan (Dec. 2019) Develop the plant hydrodynamics in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model. Oral. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  23. Restrepo Acevedo, A. M., E. Agee, A. M. Matheny (Dec. 2019) Influence of tree water content in the zero-flow maximum temperature difference: a theoretical and experimental approach. Poster. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  24. Rechner, A., He*, S. A. Cabraal*, J. Baiocchi*, C. Demir, A. Denham*, A. Edgington*, B. Ferrari*, C. Fisher*, E. J. Goldfarb, B. Jones*, H. Manlove, E. L. McCormick*, M. A. Pedrazas, A. M. Restrepo Acevedo, C. Roumelis*, C. Smith-Saldago*, J. Trcka*, L. K. Beal, P. Southard, S. B. Ferencz, L. Li, G. Perkins, R. C. Roback, M. O’Connor, A. M. Matheny (Dec. 2019) Groundwater and surface water interactions in the Valles Caldera Watershed, New Mexico: an evaluation of water chemistry and sensitivity to precipitation variability. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  25. Agee, E., J. W. Atkins, C. M. Gough, B. P. Bond-Lamberty, K. C. Mathes, A. M. Matheny, V. Ivanov (Dec. 2019) Below-ground structural and ecohydrological feedbacks across disturbance severity gradients. Poster. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  26. Bohrer, G., T. Yazbeck, M. Restrepo Acevedo, A. Rechner, A. M. Matheny (Dec. 2019) Tree-level hydraulic stress: insights from long-term measurements of sap-flow and tree-water storage. Oral. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.  
  27. Rechner, A., M. Restrepo Acevedo, E. L. McCormick*, C. Bolduc*, A. R. Mursinna*, C. Romulis*, A. M. Matheny (Dec. 2019) Comparing transpiration changes of three tree species based on hydraulic strategy in a semi-arid region. Poster. 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Canberra, Australia.  
  28. Silva, M., A. M. Matheny, V. Pauwels, G. Bohrer, E. Daly (Dec. 2019) Tree-hydrodynamic modelling of Eucalyptus globulus for plantation assessment. Oral. 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Canberra, Australia.  
  29. Ochoa F., K. Crews, T. Meyer, A. M. Matheny, (2019) Diurnal processes of photosynthesis and its effects on the calibration of evapotranspiration models based on vegetation indices in the American Southwest. Oral. Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, T.X.
  30. Powell, J., Marchetto, P., Matheny, A.M., Pierce, S., (Mar. 2019) The conversion of a multipoint data logging system into a mesh-based observation network. Oral. Measurements and Observations in the 21st Century (MOXXI), New York, N.Y.
  31. Matheny, A.M., Bohrer, G., Agee, E., Rechner, A., Restrepo Acevedo, A.M., Mursinna, A.R.* (Dec. 2018) Dynamics of ecosystem-scale water use efficiency as a product of plant hydraulic strategy. Invited Oral. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  32. Mursinna, A.*, Matheny, A.M., Agee, E. (Dec. 2018) Beyond isohydricity: a whole-plant approach to understanding hydraulic strategy. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  33. Southard, P., Johnson, J. P., Rempe, D.M., Matheny, A.M. (Dec. 2018) Impact of spring-associated riparian vegetation on channel morphology and sediment distribution in ephemeral dryland channels: Henry Mountains, Utah, USA. Oral, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  34. Bolduc, C.A.*, Soto-Kerans, N.*, Mungia, Z.*, Winebarger, R.*, Schmidt, L., Turetcaia, A., Beal, L.K., Kernan, C.*, Gomez-Velez, J.D., Perkins, G., Mursinna, A.R.*, Davis, T.*, McCormack, K.A., O’Connor, M., Ferencz, S.B., Carlson, P.E., Matheny, A.M., Rempe, D. M. (Dec. 2018) Quantifying spatial patterns of hyporheic exchange in a floodplain meander system via high-resolution hydrogeologic, geochemical, and geophysical observations. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  35. Marchetto, P., Matheny, A.M., Yang, C., Pierce, S., Maull, K.E., Powell, J., Chuah, J., Leeman, J., Jacobs, G. (Dec. 2018) Imbroglio by an inferno: the IS-GEO Hawai’i Workshop and ad hoc sensor network session. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  36. Bisht, G., Riley, W., Mirfenderesgi, G., Bohrer, G., Matheny, A.M. (Dec. 2018) Development of a flexible modeling framework for representing soil-plant continuum in the E3SM global land model. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  37. Bohrer, G., Ruehr, N., Fatichi, S., Matheny, A.M., Rehschuh, R., Mirfenderesgi, G. (Dec. 2018) Tree-level recovery from hydraulic stress: insights from experiments and hydrodynamic models. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  38. Matheny, A.M., Restrepo Acevedo, A.M., Rechner, A., Mursinna, A.R.*, (Oct. 2018) Dynamic interactions between ecosystem function and water availability. Invited Oral. Global Change Challenges: Water Sustainability and Security, Nanjing, China.
  39. Bohrer G, Mirfenderesgi G, Matheny, A.M. (Oct. 2018) The role of tree hydraulic traits in response to soil water availability. Oral, AmeriFlux PI Meeting, Bloomington, IN.
  40. Matheny, A. M. (August 2018) Improving the representation of vegetation-atmosphere interactions through plant-hydrodynamics models. Invited Oral. CUAHSI Biennial Colloquium. Shepherdstown, WV.
  41. Matheny, A. M. (June 2018) Simulating the diurnal hysteresis of transpiration through the lens of hydraulic capacitance. Oral. Computational Methods in Water Resources XXII, Saint-Malo, France.
  42. Bohrer, G., Mirfenderesgi, G., Matheny, A. M. (June 2018) Hydrodynamic model used to bridge observations at multiple scales and define tree hydraulic traits. Oral. Computational Methods in Water Resources XXII, Saint-Malo, France.
  43. Matheny, A. M. (May 2018) Vegetation hydrodynamics model captures forest response to disturbance-induced changes to microclimate. Oral. American Meteorological Society 33rd Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Boise, ID.
  44. Bohrer, G., Mirfenderesgi, G., Matheny, A.M. (May 2018) Hydrodynamic model illuminates the role of tree hydraulic traits in transpirational response to soil water availability. Oral. American Meteorological Society 33rd Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Boise, ID.
  45. Matheny, A. M. (Feb. 2018) The FETCH2 plant hydrodynamic model and biomass hydraulic capacitance. Oral. NCAR Land model working group meeting, Boulder, CO.
  46. Matheny, A. M. (Jan. 2018) Transpiration and the emergence of vegetation hydrodynamic models. Oral. Texas Water Research Network Network-wide Meeting, Austin, TX.
  47. Bohrer, G., G. Mirfenderesgi, A. M. Matheny (Jan. 2018) Hydrodynamic model illuminates the role and consequences of tree hydraulic traits. Oral. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin. TX.
  48. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer (Jan. 2018) The role of biomass hydraulic capacitance in forest transpiration. Poster. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin. TX.
  49. Matheny, A.M., Bohrer (Dec. 2017) Implications of vegetation hydraulic capacitance as an indicator of water stress and drought recovery. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  50. Pappas, C., J. L. Baltzer, A. Barr, T. A. Black, G. Bohrer, M. Detto, J. Maillet, A. M. Matheny, A. Roy, O. Sonnentag, J. Stephens (Dec. 2017). Boreal tree light- and water –use: asynchronous, diverging, yet complementary. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  51. Mirfenderesgi, G., A. M. Matheny, G. Bohrer (Dec. 2017) Hydrodynamic trait coordination and cost-benefit tradeoffs throughout the isohydric-anisohydric continuum in trees. Oral. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  52. Bohrer, G., A. M. Matheny, G. Mirfenderesgi, P. S. Curtis, C. S. Vogel, A. C. Rey-Sanchez (Mar. 2017) Plant hydraulic regulation of response to drought and plot-scale canopy disturbance. Poster. Ameriflux Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC.
  53. Matheny, A. M., Mirfenderesgi, G. Bohrer (Jan. 2017) Tree water storage as a diagnostic metric of forest response to drought. Oral. 97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
  54. Matheny, A. M., Bohrer, G. Mirfenderesgi, T.H. Morin, A. C. Rey-Sanchez, C. S. Vogel, C. M. Gough, P. S. Curtis (Dec. 2016) Plant hydrodynamics help govern forest water cycling response to intermediate severity disturbance. Oral. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  55. Agee, E., L. He, G. Bisht, C. M. Gough, V. Couvreur, A. M. Matheny, G. Bohrer, V. Ivanov (Dec. 2016) Root water uptake and later interactions among root systems in a temperate forest. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  56. Mirfenderesgi, G., G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, S. Fatichi, R.P.M. Frasson, K.V.R. Schafer, (Dec. 2016) Tree-level hydrodynamic approach for modeling aboveground water storage and stomatal conductance highlights the effects of tree hydraulic strategy. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  57. Bohrer, G., G. Mirfenderesgi, A. M. Matheny, S. Fatichi (Dec. 2016) Tree to plot scaling – how individual properties and species specific traits add up to describe a forest. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  58. Pappas, C., A. M. Matheny, J. Maillet, J. Baltzer, J. Stephens, A. Barr, T. A. Black, O. Sonnentag (Dec. 2016) Plant hydraulic strategies and their variability at high latitudes: insights from a southern Canadian boreal forest site. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  59. Bohrer, G., A. M. Matheny, G. Mirfenderesgi, T.H. Morin, A. C. R. Sanchez, C. M. Gough, C. S. Vogel, K. J. Nadelhoffer, P. S. Curtis (Dec. 2016) Forest disturbance spurs growth of modeling and technology. Invited Oral. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  60. Fiorella, R., C. J. Poulsen, A. M. Matheny, A. C. R. Sanchez, A. T. Fotis, T. H. Morin, C. S. Vogel, C. M. Gough, P. Aron, G. Bohrer (Dec. 2016) Forest canopy water cycling response to an intermediate disturbance revealed through stable water vapor isotopes. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  61. Mirfenderesgi, G., G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, S. Fatichi, R. P. M. Frasson, K. V. R. Schäfer (Nov. 2016) Tree level hydrodynamic approach for resolving aboveground water storage and stomatal conductance and modeling the effects of tree hydraulic strategy. Poster. 45th Annual Water Management Association of Ohio Conference, Columbus, OH.
  62. Matheny, A. M., Bohrer, G. Mirfenderesgi (Jun. 2016) Shifting the plant functional type paradigm to reflect hydraulic properties may improve model simulations of drought and disturbance. Oral, American Meteorological Society 32nd Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Salt Lake City, UT. (2nd Place Oral Presentation)
  63. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, R. Fiorella, G. Mirfenderesgi (Apr. 2016) Plant hydraulic traits govern forest water use and growth. Poster. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.
  64. Bohrer, G., A. M. Matheny, G. Mirfenderesgi, T. H. Morin, S. Fatichi (Apr. 2016) Scaling tree-level hydrodynamics to plot-level hydrology using novel model and measurements. Oral. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.
  65. Bohrer, G., A. M. Matheny, G. Mirfenderesgi (Jan. 2016) Including tree water potential in plot-level transpiration modeling using the hydrodynamic approach. Oral. American Meteorological Society 30th Conference on Hydrology, New Orleans, LA.
  66. Mirfenderesgi, G., G. Bohrer, S. Fatichi, A. M. Matheny, R.P.M. Frasson, K. Schafer (Jan. 2016) Application of a tree-level hydrodynamic model to simulate plot-level transpiration in the upland oak/pine forest in New Jersey. Oral. American Meteorological Society 30th Conference on Hydrology, New Orleans, LA.
  67. Matheny, A. M., Bohrer, R. Fiorella, G. Mirfenderesgi (Dec. 2015) Proposed hydrodynamic model improves resolution of species-specific responses to drought and disturbance. Poster, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA.
  68. Fiorella, R., C. Poulsen, A. M. Matheny, G. Bohrer (Dec. 2015) Constraints on water cycling in a deep mountain valley from stable water isotope and sap flux measurements. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  69. Mirfenderesgi, G., G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, S. Fatichi, R.P.M. Frasson, K. Schafer (Dec. 2015) Application of a tree-level hydrodynamic model to simulate plot-level transpiration in the upland oak/pine forest in New Jersey. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  70. Agee, E., L. He, V. Couvreur, G. Bisht, C. Gough, V. Ivanov, P. Shahbaz, S. Fatichi, A. M. Matheny, G. Bohrer (Dec. 2015) Compensatory root water uptake in overlapping root systems. Poster. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  71. Mirfenderesgi, G., G. Bohrer, R.P.M. Frasson, A. M. Matheny, K.V.R. Schäfer (July 2015) Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Approach for Improved Stomatal Conductance Parameterization. Oral, 13th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Diego, CA.
  72. Matheny, A. M., Morin, G. Bohrer, S. Garrity, C. Vogel, V. Ivanov, P. Curtis (Jan. 2015) Improved latent heat flux modeling through plant hydrodynamics accounts for the influence of species-specific storage and diurnal hysteresis. Poster, 5th Annual NACP Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC.
  73. Frasson, R.P.M., G. Bohrer, D. Medvigy, A. M. Matheny, C. Gough, C. Vogel, P. Curtis (Jan. 2015) Modeling forest carbon cycle response to tree mortality: effects of plant functional type and disturbance intensity. Poster, Ameriflux Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC.
  74. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, G. Mirfenderesgi (Dec. 2014) Proposed hydrodynamic model increases the ability of land-surface models to capture intra-daily dynamics of transpiration and canopy structure effects. Oral Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA. (Outstanding Student Paper Award winner)
  75. Mirfenderesgi, G., G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, V. Ivanov (Dec. 2014) Tree-level hydrodynamic approach for improved stomatal conductance parameterization. Poster, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  76. Ball, B.W., A. M. Matheny, P. Hatfield, A. Keffer, M.F. Spoor (Oct. 2014), Local protection projects and Ohio River bank terraces. Ohio River Valley Soil Seminar XLV. Oral Presentation, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  77. Kenny, W., G. Bohrer, T. Morin, A. M. Matheny (Sept. 2014) Development of the high resolution VOC atmospheric chemistry in canopies (Hi-VACC) model and application to a lake flux scenario. Poster, Advancing the science of gas exchange between fresh waters and the atmosphere. Poster, Hyytiälä forestry field station, Finland.
  78. Matheny, A. M., G. Mirfenderesgi, G. Bohrer (June 2014) Tree-Level hydrodynamic approach for improved stomatal conductance parameterization. Oral Presentation, Computational Methods in Water Resources XX, Stuttgart, Germany.
  79. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer (May 2014), Proposed hydrodynamic model increases the ability of land-surface models to capture hysteretic nature of transpiration. Poster, Second Annual Conference on Atmospheric Biogeosciences, Portland, OR.
  80. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer (Dec. 2013) Multi-site model-observations comparison shows the diurnal effects of hydrodynamic stress on evapotranspiration. Poster, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA.
  81. Bohrer, G., A. M. Matheny (July 2013) The Finite-Elements Tree-Crown Hydrodynamics model (FETCH): Assessing the effects of hydrodynamic strategy in different tree species. Invited Oral Presentation, 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, USNCCM12, Raleigh, NC.
  82. Frasson, R.P.M., G. Bohrer, A. M. Matheny, et al. (May 2013) Exploring the influence of time and spatial resolution on the prediction of latent heat fluxes. Poster, Joint DOE-TES/DOE-SBR PI Meeting, Potomac, MD.
  83. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, V. Ivanov, P. Stoy (Feb. 2013) Typical patterns of latent heat flux error indicative of missing hydrodynamic processes in land-surface models. Poster, 4th NACP All-Investigator Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
  84. Bohrer, G., C. Gough, V. Ivanov, K. Maurer, R. Frasson, A. M. Matheny, L. He, B. Hardiman, K. Nadelhoffer, C. Vogel, L. Nave, P. Curtis (Feb. 2013) Forecasting carbon stocks in Eastern forests: joining experimental and tree-level modeling approaches to understand structure-function dynamics with ecological succession and disturbance. Poster, 4th NACP All-Investigator Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
  85. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, J. Tompsen, R. Frasson, C. Frasson, V. Ivanov (Dec. 2012) A framework for incorporating the effects of hydrodynamic stress on forest photosynthesis and evaporation. Poster, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, CA.
  86. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer (Sept. 2012) Mechanistic linking of stomata conductance to soil moisture using a tree level hydrodynamic model. Poster, 4th International EcoSummit on Ecological Sustainability, Columbus, OH.
  87. Kenny, W., G. Bohrer, S. Dodge, S. Garrity, A. M. Matheny, P. Low, K. Maurer (Sept. 2012) Tree-scale forest structure for modeling of hydrodynamic stress. Poster, ForestSAT 2012, Cornwallis, OR.
  88. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer (June 2012) Mechanistic linking of stomata conductance to soil moisture using a tree level hydrodynamic model. Oral Presentation, Computational methods in Water Resources, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
  89. Bohrer, G., A. M. Matheny, K. Maurer, R. Frasson (May 2012) Modeling hydrodynamic stress limitations on transpiration. Oral Presentation, American Meteorological Society 30th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Boston, MA.
  90. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, P. Curtis, V. Ivanov, K. Schäfer (Apr. 2012) Plot-level measurements and modeling of sap flux- providing a mechanistic link between stomata conductance and soil moisture. Poster, Department of Energy, Terrestrial Ecosystem Science PI meeting, Washington, DC.
  91. Matheny, A. M., G. Bohrer, V. Ivanov, P. Stoy (Dec. 2011) Towards modeling hydrodynamic stress limitations on transpiration. Poster, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA.
  92. Bohrer, G., A. M. Matheny, K. Meyer, K. Maurer (Sept. 2011) Detecting and modeling hydrodynamic stresses on stomatal conductance in the forest accelerated succession experiment (FASET). Poster, ILEAPS International Science Conference. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
  93. Bohrer, G., K. Maurer, A. M. Matheny, K. Meyer, S. Garrity (Dec. 2010) Assessing the effects of hydrodynamic stresses on photosynthesis with natural and modified canopy structures. Invited Oral Presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA.