Research Funding
Our group’s research activities are supported by the following funding sources:
28. Project Title: Hydrated Silica in the Deep Mantle
PIs: Jung-Fu Lin
Sponsor Name: NSF EAR Geophysics
Project Period: 08/01/2024-7/31/2027 (NSF EAR-2333879)
Funding Amount: $400,000
27. Project Title: Thermal Transport Properties across the Martian Core-Mantle Boundary
PIs: Jung-Fu Lin
Sponsor Name: NASA Solar System Workings
Project Period: 09/01/2023-8/31/2026
Funding Amount: $515,118
26. Project Title: Collaborative Research: Tuning Thermal Transport in van der Waals Solids
by Compressive Strain
PIs: Yaguo Wang, Jung-Fu Lin
Sponsor Name: NSF TTP
Project Period: 06/01/2022-5/31/2025 (FAIN: 2211660)
Funding Amount: $400,035
25. Project Title: Fixation of Single-Bonded Nitrogen Compounds
PIs: Jung-Fu Lin
Sponsor Name: Welch foundation
Project Period: 06/01/2022-5/31/2025 (F-2109-20220331)
Funding Amount: $300,000
24. Project Title: EAGER: SUPER: Stabilization of Warm and Light Superconductors at Low Pressures by Chemical Doping
PIs: Jung-Fu Lin, Jianshi Zhou (UT Austin), Eva Zurek (SUNY Buffalo)
Sponsor Name: NSF DMR CMMT
Project Period: 08/01/2021-7/31/2023 (NSF 07-31-23)
Funding Amount: $100,000
23. Project Title: Collaborative Research: Understanding Hydrogen Solubility Mechanisms in Bridgmanite Through Multifaceted Mineral Physics Studies
PIs: Jung-Fu Lin, Shun-ichiro Karato (Yale U), Bijaya Karki (LSU)
Sponsor Name: NSF-EAR in Cooperative Studies of the Earth’s Deep Interior (CSEDI)
Project Period: 07/01/2020-6/30/2023 (NSF EAR-2001381)
Funding Amount: $241,000
22. Project Title: High Pressure-Temperature Single-Crystal Elasticity of the Lower-Mantle Bridgmanite
PIs: Jung-Fu Lin
Sponsor Name: NSF-EAR Geophysics
Project Period: 06/01/2019-5/31/2022 (NSF EAR-1916941)
Funding Amount: $408,161
21. Project Title: Collaborative project: CSEDI -Electrical and Thermal Transport in Iron and Iron Alloys at Core Conditions and its Effects on the Geodynamo and Thermal Earth History
PIs: Ron Cohen, Jung-Fu Lin, Alex Goncharov, Peter Driscoll
Sponsor Name: NSF-EAR in Cooperative Studies of the Earth’s Deep Interior (CSEDI)
Project Period: 04/01/2019-3/31/2021 (NSF EAR-)
Funding Amount: $269,841
20. Project Title: Stabilization of BCS Superconductivity Near Room Temperature in Hydrides Under High Pressure and the Characterization with THz Spectroscopy
PI: Jianshi Zhou, Co-PIs: Jung-Fu Lin, Yaguo Wang, Artem Oganov, Phillip Allen
Sponsor Name: Army Research Office
Project Period: 09/01/2016-08/31/2018
Funding Amount: $262,900
Funding Status: Approved
19. Project Title: EAGER: Coupled Opto-Electro-Mechanics in Semiconducting Phosphorene
PI: Deji Akinwande, Co-PI: Jung-Fu Lin
Sponsor Name: NSF Division of Materials Research
Project Period: 05/01/2016-04/30/2018
Funding Amount: $120,402
Funding Status: Approved
18. Project Title: In-situ nano-CT imaging of the pore network and organic matter evolution in shale rocks at high pressure-temperature conditions
PI: Sheng Peng, Co-PI: Jung-Fu Lin
Sponsor Name: Seed Grant Program of the Jackson School of Geosciences
Project Period: 01/01/2016-12/31/2016
Funding Amount: $17,376
Funding Status: Approved
17. Project Title: Understanding the Physics and Chemistry of Iron Alloys relevant to the Conditions of Planetary Cores
Sponsor Name: Z Machine, Sandia National Laboratory
Project Period: 04/01/2016-12/31/2017
Funding Amount: 2 days of experimental time at Z Machine
Funding Status: Approved
16. Project Title: Collaborative project: CSEDI -Understanding Si and Fe differentiation in Earth’s mantle and core through experimental and theoretical research in geochemistry and mineral physics
Sponsor Name: NSF-EAR in Cooperative Studies of the Earth’s Deep Interior (CSEDI)
Project Period: 04/01/2015-3/31/2018 (NSF EAR-1502594)
Funding Amount: $226,275
Funding Status: Approved
15. Project Title: Elasticity and Spin Transitions of Iron in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Sponsor Name: NSF-EAR in Geophysics, Petrology/Geochemistry
Project Period: 01//01/2015-12/31/2017 (NSF EAR-1446946)
Funding Amount: $372,273
Funding Status: Approved
14. Project Title: Thermodynamics of Planetary Ices in Extreme Conditions of Icy Satellites
Sponsor Name: Seed Grant Program of the Jackson School of Geosciences
Project Period: 01/01/2014-12/31/2014
13. Project Title: REU: Phase Diagrams and Elasticity of Iron Alloys in the Earth’s Core
Sponsor Name: NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Project Period: 9/01/2013-08/31/2013 (NSF EAR-1056670)
12. Project Title: Physics and Chemistry of Carbon at Extreme Conditions
Sponsor Name: Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO), Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Project Period: 10/01/2013-9/30/2015
11. Project Title: 7th North American Mössbauer Symposium
Sponsor Name: COMPRES, Argonne National Laboratory, and Corporate Sponsors
Project Period: 1/1/2013-1/31/2013 at the Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
Funding Status: Approved
10. Project Title: Acquisition of an Impulsive Stimulated Light Scattering (ISLS) System for Elasticity and Thermal Conductivity Studies
Sponsor Name: Instrumentation and Facility, National Science Foundation
Project Period: 01/01/2012-12/31/2013
9. Project Title: Acquisition of a Piston Cylinder Apparatus for Research in Experimental Petrology and Mineral Physics
Sponsor Name: Instrumentation and Facility, National Science Foundation
Project Period: 01/01/2011-12/31/2011
8. Project Title: REU: Phase Diagrams and Elasticity of Iron Alloys in the Earth’s Core
Sponsor Name: NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Project Period: 10/01/2011-09/30/2012 (NSF EAR-1056670)
7. Project Title: Workshop: Dynamic Phenomena under Extreme
Sponsor Name and Funding Amount:
(1). CDAC, Carnegie-DOE Alliance Center
(2). COMPRES, the Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences
(3). Corporate Sponsors (Almax Industries, Princeton Instruments, Technodiamant)
Project Period: 1/24/2011-1/28/2011 at the AT&T Center, University of Texas at Austin
6. Project Title: CAREER: Phase Diagrams and Elasticity of Iron Alloys in the Earth’s Core
Sponsor Name: NSF-EAR Early Career Award in Geophysics, Petrology/Geochemistry
Project Period: 01/15/2011-12/31/2015 (NSF EAR-1056670)
5. Project Title: Electronic Spin Transition of Iron in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Sponsor Name: NSF-EAR in Geophysics, Petrology/Geochemistry
Project Period: 01//01/2009-12/31/2011 (NSF EAR-0838221)
4. Project Title: NSF-REU: Electronic Spin Transition of Iron in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Sponsor Name: NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Project Period: 01/2009-12/2011 (NSF EAR-0838221)
3. Project Title: Energy Frontier Research in Extreme Environments (EFree)
Sponsor Name: Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), Department of Energy (DOE)
Project Period: 08/01/2009-07/31/2014
(EFree also provides additional infrastructure supports)
2. Project Title: Transition Metal Oxides and f-band Metals under Extreme Environments
Sponsor Name: Carnegie/DOE Alliance Center (CDAC), Department of Energy (DOE)
Sponsor Period: 02/01/2009-
Funding Amount:
(CDAC also provides additional financial supports to students’ travel expenses to experiments at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, and it also allocates synchrotron beamtime access through partnership)
1. Project Title: Spin Transition of Iron in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Sponsor Name: Summer Research Assignment (SRA), Faculty Development Review Committees, the University of Texas at Austin
Sponsor Period: 06/01/2010-07/31/2010
Funding Amount: two-month summer salary
Funding Status: Approved
0. Project Title: Faculty Startup
Sponsor Name: Jackson School of Geosciences, the University of Texas at Austin
Funding Amount: undisclosed
Funding Status: Approved