
Liam Norris Portrait

Liam Norris is a 3rd year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Texas at Austin studying paleontology and geochemistry under Dr. Rowan Martindale. Liam attended Texas A&M University where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in Geology and a specialization in Biology. During his time at Texas A&M he completed undergraduate research with Dr. Anne Raymond studying fossil leaves of seed ferns preserved in coal and presented this research at the 2019 GSA annual meeting. Liam has extensive experience teaching in both formal and non-formal settings and worked at the Houston Museum of Natural Science for many years during high school and college. Liam now works as a teaching assistant and enjoys helping students new to geosciences understand difficult concepts. He completed his qualifying examination in March of 2022 and aims to graduate from UT in May of 2025.