
The Robert Dickinson Symposiums on “Earth System Modeling: Past, Present and Future” will be held on May 14-15, 2018 at UT-Austin, Texas.

In a career spanning five decades, Professor Robert E. Dickinson, Jackson Scholar of the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas at Austin, has made seminal contributions to Earth System Modeling. Particularly, his pioneering work in terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere interaction and representing it in climate models have laid the foundation for a new and still growing research field and inspired generations of Earth scientists to pursue the answers to this important climate problem. He has also devoted a substantial fraction of his career to the development of NCAR Climate System Models (now Earth System Models) over the past several decades. He has taken leadership to the climate and earth system science community in several capacities, including serving the President of the American Geophysical Union. His work has been recognized through several distinguished awards, including the Roger Revelle Medal of the American Geophysical Union, the Honorary Membership in the European Geophysical Society, Einstein Lectureship in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of both the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Member of the US National Academy of Science and the US National Academy of Engineering.

Several of his former students, postdocs and friends have joined forces to organize a symposium not only to celebrate his outstanding contributions to climate and earth system sciences over the last 50 years, but also to reflect on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. And a collection of chapters for a book has been organized to be published by the Cambridge University Press following the symposium.

The symposium will be at no cost to participants (except for travel and hotel), but we ask that you please register by 18 March 2018. If you still want to attend or have been invited but missed the registration deadline, please complete the registration form firstly. We will inform you if we have additional space to attend the symposium as soon as possible.

Please find details of the registration, program, book, travel and accommodation via the links on this page.


The symposium would like to acknowledge and appreciate support from the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,  the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and UT-Austin’s Jackson School of Geosciences, Department of Geological Sciences, and the Center for Integrated Earth System Science.