Field Studies in Fennoscandia

The graduate course Regional Studies in Mineral Resources Geology offers students the opportunity to experience the fundamentals of resource exploration and production while also participating in international fieldwork. Students spent the 2014 spring semester studying the geology and resources of the Fennoscandian Shield, which includes parts of Norway, Finland and Sweden.

Rich Kyle and Brent Elliot taught the class, which culminated in a two-week trip to Finland and Sweden for seven graduate students to study a variety of ore deposits in an Archean to Paleoproterozoic craton.

Because of the long history of tectonism in the region, many of the ore deposits have been metamorphosed and deformed, adding an extra layer of complexity to understanding their genesis. While Finland and Sweden contain only minor resources compared to other countries, they are currently exploiting a broad range of resources, including base metals, industrial minerals and gold. This allowed students to experience a broad variety of ore types in a relatively small area.

The Geology Foundation provided scholarships to help cover airfare and lodging for students.

Graduate students examine ore deposits at the Pyhasalmi Mine in Oulu, Finland.
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